Pizza tasting this weekend
No fate but what we make: Kristian believes the future of pizza doesn't have to be like this
He's reimagined La Reines, disrupted Diavolas and synthesised the Sloppy Giuseppe. Now Brockley's pizza oven-trepreneur is inviting you to taste the future. Founder of Uuni, Kristian writes:
Saturday, 1 December, we’re hosting a pop-up pizza tasting outside our Uuni ‘office’ on Manwood Road. This is the first time anyone from ‘wider public’ will have seen Uuni and what it’s capable of. I’ll probably make about six pizzas so if you want a slice don’t be late!
Time: 1 December, 14:00-14:45
Address: Manwood Road, London, SE4 1SA
RSVP on and I’ll send the house number.
Pizzas: pepperoni or mushroom