Halloween Central
Homer: Yeah, that's right, Barney. This year, I invested in pumpkins. They've been going up the whole month of October and I got a feeling they're going to peak right around January. Then, bang! That's when I'll cash in.
- The Simpsons, Homer vs Patty and Selma
The Tea Partiers write:
Tea Dance for Little People plans to light up Brockley shop windows with Halloween pumpkin lights at 4pm on Monday 31st October when a precession of little Tea Dance Ghouls will meet outside the Brockley Barge before going back to TDLP for their Halloween party.
We are fundraising for our future family events by selling its community-carved pumpkins to local businesses.
Local firms will be asked to donate £5 or more to receive their spooky orange friends.
TDLP will be hosting a four day Halloween party for under 8s, from the 28th–31st October.
The party will be a spellbinding version of its daily activity with dedicated artists, dancers, storytellers and musicians entertaining the children every day.
TDLP is working in partnership with Brockley Cross Action Group to raise awareness of family and community activity in the local area amongst businesses.
The news is timely as we had been wondering whether to try to organise a Halloween get together for local parents and children who wanted to do some trick or treating locally.