The Brockley Group
"This is an impressive crowd - the haves and the have-mores. Some people call you the elite, I call you my base."
George W Bush
Last night, we took part in the first (and hopefully not last) Enterprise Brockley networking event for local businesses, organised with the support of Enterprise UK. It was pretty much a full house at the fabulous Mr Lawrence and we'd like to thank everyone who came - in particular, Simon Cartlidge from Geddes, who we interviewed about his experiences of setting up a business in the area.
We'll be reporting the event in due course, but in the mean time, we've created a LinkedIn group for Brockley business, if you'd like to join it. We'll use it to help the businesses who came keep in touch and let other businesses in the area know about future events. You can also use it to talk amongst yourselves. It's a bit like the Bilderberg Group only without the money.
Click here to join.