Police.uk crime map launches - Breakspears Road breaks in to top 10 streets for burglary

The website Police.uk launched today, with the aim of providing people with accurate local information about crime in their area. People interested to know about levels of reported crime on their street or neighbourhood can search by postcode and see the results mapped and broken down by type of crime.

Currently, the only results available are for December 2010, which is not a terribly useful snapshot and we're not sure what we learned by searching the SE4 results [see above], other than that crime levels are "above average" for England and Wales, which we imagine applies to just about every inner London post code.

The site also provides details of local neighbourhood policing teams and crime prevention events in the area.

Presumably the site will become a more useful tool as more data is added over time, although ultimately, it relies on the authorities being persuaded to do something about trouble spots identified.

UPDATE: As pointed out by a reader, the Daily Mail has done some digging and claims that Breakspears Road was the 7th-most-burgled street in the country in December 2010. The area experienced a burglary spree late last year.